The M.A.R.K.13™ - Group
We live and breathe animation!
Digital at heart, innovation driven and creative - never held back by technical restraints.
​Even before the inception of M.A.R.K.13™ in 1999, the founders were at the core of German computer animation, gathering knowledge and experience while working with the earliest SGI workstations and kept at it to become a leading force of today’s virtual production techniques.
We held on to the passion of the early days, mixing in our true German virtues technological knowhow, accuracy, reliability, design thinking and efficiency to create a creative power-brand, that we call:

We develop, finance, produce and deliver state-of-the-art films for all platforms and genres.
Get in contact with one, get instant access to the whole animation world of The M.A.R.K.13™ - Group!